Posts published by Lifting Group
Lifting Group celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2017
| hace 8 yearsOn 24 March we kicked-off the activities planned to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Lifting Group with a special day bringing all the team ...
March Edition: Memento Audere Semper
| hace 8 yearsThis month we held a conference with all the Lifting Group team to present the results of 2016 and objectives for 2017. With the slogan ...
New office for Lifting Group Valencia
| hace 8 yearsLifting Group Valencia continues to grow and for this reason from the 15 March the corporate headquarters of Lifting Group in Valencia are now in ...
Lifting Group and Lentillas Sí: Our Clients Our Success
| hace 8 yearsLentillas Sí are a lens store that sells specialized eyesight products and ocular solutions. They have an extensive range of top brand name lens ...
Retail Marketing Strategy for points of sale to increase sales. When the “moment of truth” is at any moment.
| hace 8 yearsThe marketing strategies for points of sale are focused on providing greater income to your business and the so called "moment of truth" when the ...
Lifting Group runs Academy training sessions on AdWords and WordPress 2
| hace 8 yearsIn February two Academy training sessions were held in the Lifting Group office in Barcelona. One Academy on AdWords and another Academy on WordPress (Level ...