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New Trends in Consumer Habits and Purchasing in Spain

How the digital environment has changed consumer habits and purchasing?

Over the past few years, consumption trends in Spain have been affected by various factors. The emergence of new technologies, particularly the widespread adoption of online shopping, has been one of the main transformations. However, social aspects also play a role, such as the recent health crisis, which has forced us to change our perception of the world and the way we consume.

Consumer habits and purchasing in Spain, like the rest of the world, are constantly evolving. Digitization and the adoption of new technologies have transformed the way Spaniards interact with brands and acquire products and services. These new consumer habits reflect an increasingly connected, demanding, and conscious society. In this sense, companies in the retail sector must be prepared to adapt quickly and meet the changing needs of consumers. Following this same premise, having a specialized consultant can be of great help to achieve business objectives in an industry that is experiencing growing fluctuations.

What trends has digital transformation triggered in consumer habits and purchasing?

1. Sustained growth of e-commerce

One of the most prominent aspects of this transformation has been the definitive boost experienced by digital shopping. Many consumers have overcome their fears of making online purchases, driven by several factors. The convenience of not having to travel, along with the ease and speed of product delivery, has been key to this growth.

According to a study conducted by the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) in Spain, e-commerce experienced a 25% growth in the last year, and this trend is expected to continue increasing.

E-commerce has opened a world of possibilities for Spanish consumers. They now have access to a wide range of products that were previously unavailable, enabling them to satisfy their needs and preferences more precisely. The online marketplace has become a convenient and diverse platform for consumers to explore and find products tailored to their tastes.

The growth of e-commerce has also transformed the way businesses operate, encouraging them to invest in online presence, improve user experience, and optimize their logistics for efficient delivery. The competition among online retailers has intensified, leading to a greater variety of products and competitive pricing for consumers.

Overall, the sustained growth of e-commerce has reshaped the consumer landscape in Spain, providing more convenience, choice, and accessibility in the way people shop and consume products and services.

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2. Widespread use of mobile devices for shopping

Smartphones have become indispensable tools in the daily lives of Spaniards, and an increasing number of people use brand mobile applications to search for products, make transactions, and receive personalized offers. Retailers have responded to this trend by optimizing their websites and developing intuitive and secure mobile apps to provide a seamless shopping experience.

Convenience and ease of use are key factors in changing consumer habits in Spain. Consumers value the opportunity to shop anytime and anywhere without physically going to a store. Additionally, online payment has become increasingly secure, a crucial factor in building trust during any electronic transaction.

“According to data extracted from Statista, while most shoppers used their desktop computers, smartphones are still gaining ground, with nearly 60% of respondents stating that they purchased products or services online through their smartphones in 2022.”

3. The power of social media

Social media has also played a fundamental role in this transformation. Consumers use platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, etc., to discover new brands, get product recommendations, and share their shopping experiences. Social media has become a key channel where companies have the opportunity to connect with their audience and create more direct and personalized messages.

Marketing strategies have evolved to adapt to this new digital environment. Companies are investing in online advertising, influencer marketing, and user-generated content to increase their visibility and attract consumers through social media. Additionally, social media offers companies the opportunity to interact directly with their customers, answering questions, addressing concerns, and providing more personalized customer service.

4. Sustainability and social responsibility

An increasing number of consumers are concerned about the environmental impact of their purchasing decisions and seek out brands committed to sustainable practices. The demand for eco-friendly, organic, and ethically produced products is on the rise, leading many companies to adjust their strategies and offer more sustainable options. Consumers are willing to pay a higher price for products and services that align with their values and contribute to environmental protection.

“According to consulting firm Capgemini, in 2020, 79% of consumers considered ‘green’ criteria within their purchase drivers, and 72% of people aged 25 to 35 said they feel happier when their purchases are sustainable.”

5. Rise of the C2C or “Recommerce” model

Today, millions of e-commerce platforms are adopting a trend in which buyers purchase products in good condition, previously used by other users, at more affordable prices. This practice not only provides them with economic benefits but also contributes to a more sustainable circular economy, avoiding product waste and promoting reuse.

This trend has gained popularity thanks to the emergence of online platforms that facilitate such transactions, such as second-hand buying and selling apps or social networks specialized in commerce.

According to insights from GWI (Audience Insight Tools, Digital Analytics & Consumer trends), “the demand for second-hand products is growing every day, so much so that its sales are estimated to grow between 15% and 20% annually in the next 5 years, representing an opportunity for e-commerce.

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6. The Challenge of Omniexperience

OmniExperience is a shopping trend that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It refers to creating a seamless and consistent shopping experience for customers, regardless of the channel or device they use.

OmniExperience acknowledges that consumers now interact with brands through multiple touchpoints, such as physical stores, websites, mobile apps, and social media. These different channels are integrated to offer a seamless experience, where customers can initiate an interaction on one channel and complete it on another without any hurdles.

One of the main advantages of OmniExperience is that it allows companies to provide a personalized and relevant experience to their customers. By collecting and utilizing data from different channels, brands can better understand customer preferences and needs, enabling them to offer specific recommendations and promotions at the right moment.

Furthermore, OmniExperience also empowers customers to have greater control over their own shopping experience. They can choose the channel that best suits their needs and preferences at each moment, whether it’s making an online purchase from the comfort of their home or visiting a physical store to interact with products before buying.

In conclusion, consumer habits and purchasing in Spain have undergone a significant transformation due to the influence of the digital environment, revolutionizing the way users acquire products and services. Convenience, accessibility, and easy access to information are some of the key factors that have driven this transformation.

How can you adapt your business to the needs of your customers?

At Lifting Group, as a Strategic Consulting and Marketing Agency, we help companies become digital, lead the change without barriers, and implement customized solutions.

Our Digital Consulting service is specifically designed to assist our clients in identifying the actions and strategies that best fit their needs and business type. We do all of this to measure and track those actions with the aim of obtaining useful information and making more informed business decisions.



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