Home > Inbound Marketing: the perfect content for each phase of the conversion funnel

Inbound Marketing: the perfect content for each phase of the conversion funnel

If we want to grow, we have to take steps that make sense. In other words, every action has to pursue a clear, contrastable objective that we can work on in the future. That’s why when we create any content, we should define beforehand what we want to achieve. “Why do we write these blog posts?”, “ Why do we launch an Instagram Stories campaign?”… If you want your content to be useful for your marketing campaigns, you should follow a set of steps defined by the conversion funnel.



Before we continue, let’s assess why contents are based on the conversion funnel in inbound marketing Our buyer persona or ideal customer will be the target of our contents. This user is on the customer journey, or rather, in a phase more or less close to the conversion. This is what is known as the conversion funnel, since the closer you get to the final and wished for stage, the smaller the number of buyer personas. We have selected the best methods to create content based the situation the target is in.





TOFU is taken from the concept Top of the funnel, the first phase of the conversion funnel. There our buyer persona has a need or problem and has started to run information searches. So, the content we need to create is one that solves their concerns. To do this, and with the idea of providing something that goes beyond a Blog, we propose the following content options:


  • Video campaigns. This advertising format calls for interaction, connects emotionally with the user and is easy to viralise thanks to the


  • Checklist. Lists have been all the rage for some time and still are. “8 reasons why…” or “6 ways to make…” anticipate attractive and practical contents that are very frequently consumed by users.
    inbound marketing conversion embudo contenido


  • Ebooks or interest guides. Create issue-based content and the option of receiving it free or in exchange for completing a form is valued. With the latter approach, you’ll have access to the user’s data and monitor them so as to invite them to progress along the conversion funnel.


  • Tutorials. A recurring hook of contents is to make them practical and useful. The contents of “how to…” are perfect for responding to this need.


  • Infographs. With these you can provide useful, highly visual and easy to share content, thereby increasing transmission and the volume of users that enter at the Top of the funnel..



After responding to their first concern, the user is now in the Middle of the funnel. In this phase they know what they want but they are deciding what option is the most satisfactory. In other words, you have to offer them a more specialised content that transmits enough trust to make them continue along the funnel.


  • FAQs. This content is one of the best we can create for a doubtful user. You can use one to answer their questions and transmit a degree of trust that may be the decisive factor. When you disseminate it, use all the tools possible: newsletters with A/B tests, NS profiles, landing pages, etc.


  • Specific sector data.Here we can offer a wide range of options. To create this content you can consult sector statistics, interview experts or boost testimonials, opinions and recommendations. In short, the experiences of satisfied users to stand out from the competition.


  • Product comparisons.You know that the user is assessing your option along with other alternative ones. This is the best moment to make them see that you are the best choice amongst all the competition by comparing your own and other products.


  • Demo videos of the product/service. During the consumption process, users tend to visualise what they will get when they have decided. The complexity of the product or doubts generated by a service can truncate this action and undo all the progress made by our buyer persona. Creating didactic content that boosts the benefits of your “candidacy” is the ideal hinging action between the information and the transaction.


  • Retargeting and advertising in SNs. You have already segmented a group of potential consumers but with all the advertising inputs we receive every day, you may pass by unnoticed. This method enables you to remind users that have already interacted with you that you are still a good option.



Bottom of the funnel, the final phase, the crucial moment. In this situation, the user is going to decide whether to convert or not. Now’s the time to add all the fuel to the fire and go for it. To do so we’ll make use of the following resources:


  • Success stories. Transmit situations in which the user can be completely sure that it is the best product she has been looking for. Knowing, or at least thinking, that other people with the same needs have resolved them thanks to a particular product can be the final push.


  • Free product samples or trials. After receiving all the information possible, the user may find that the only thing she needs to decide is to live the experience she is willing to contract. This type of content can be transmitted through all the channels. At the same time, you should take care to fulfil the expectations you have created to increase the possibilities of conversion to the maximum.


  • Specialised services. Regardless of whether it is a product or a service, you can offer free guidance. In the case of a service, we’re talking about a consultation and if it’s a product you can give personalised advice about use and consumption.


  • Discounts, coupons and launch offers. The most typical lure continues to be effective. You offer content that allows the user to start her first conversion with an economic saving. If the experience is good from there on, the loyalty process will be more focused.


  • User communities. With this method not only do you improve the possibilities of conversion, if you achieve it, you also improve future shopping experiences.


The success and utility of the content you generate is not just based on what you transmit and how you do it. The key is in launching the right content to each consumer. Segment your public very well and follow our instructions to get it right in each conversion phase.


Corporate Information: Lifting Group was founded in 2007 and is a Marketing and Strategy Agency and Consultancy. Since then we have been offering innovative solutions to boost the growth of companies and the services they offer based on Business Strategy, Channel Performance, Web Usability, etc. Lifting Group was borne to transform the consultancy and agency industry. Becoming a  sole partner, that gets involved with passion and commitment, both in defining and in implementing the strategy..

With effort, proactivity, involvement and scope. We bring added value, creativity and effectiveness to our clients as a Strategy and Marketing Consultancy and Agency.



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