Internationalization & Expansion Strategy

Expansion to take advantage of new business opportunities

Lifting Group has teams of consultants specialized in foreign trade consulting to design and implement the internationalization strategies of its customers, from expansion to the diversification and foreign growth of the business.

Our team is in charge of analyzing the established challenges and defining the actions to be carried out for a proper strategy for the commercialization and internationalization of the business.

As a strategic foreign trade agency we stand by our clients and help them access new markets, meet and manage investors and visualize business opportunities.

We are an internationalization strategic consultancy, we accompany our clients in such an important aspect as international development and foreign trade. Our objective is to become partners in development and international growth, working alongside our clients and offering them all our knowledge and experience in internationalization.

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International Commercial Strategy and Consulting Services

  • Market study, defining the best market opportunities and their characteristics.
  • Identify entry barriers (together with our partners and collaborators, we can offer an overall vision of the project at the legal, structural, financial, logistical level…)
  • Strategic plan of entry by country, defining the strategy of brand portfolio, product, price…
  • Implementation Plan and deliverableRoadmaps.
  • Define the operations and the relationship between the new market and the main market (customer service, presence channels…).
  • Optimization of growth and consolidation of economies of scale and local economy.

Does your business need an internationalization consultancy?

When a company decides that it is the right time to grow and expand beyond its limits, it is necessary to perform a previous analysis of the situation and a map of opportunities. To do this, it is of vital importance to carry out an Internationalization Consultancy, through which the strategic weight of internationalization, timings, resources to be allocated, precedents and competitors are defined, both in the local and international markets.

Thanks to the implementation of an Internationalization Consultancy, at Lifting Group we help to turn opportunities into realities, allowing clients to gain the most out of their competitive advantages. We turn the challenge of betting on internationalization and new markets into success.




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