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August editorial: 10 years, milestones and challenges

Lifting Group, has completed its first decade, but this does not mean that we want to stop evolving: quite the contrary. Lifting Group has passed through different phases as I mentioned in my editorial in June:

“The first one from 2007 to 2010, the second from 2010 to 2013 and the third from 2014 to 2017. In each cycle we not only brought in improvements to our methodology and services, we also grew steadily in terms of business, team work and the added value we provide to our clients. And then there were the inevitable changes of office in every city: 5 times in Barcelona, 3 times in Valencia and twice in Madrid. “

The results for the first quarter of 2017 show that we have consolidated double-digit growth both in volume and in margin, and these data allow us to be optimistic about reaching the financial targets we had set for ourselves for this year, 2017, of surpassing €1.2M with an EBITDA above 10%.




These targets should let us launch a 4th cycle of improvement, which we have defined up until 2020, during which we want to make a qualitative leap in our proposal of added value for clients, by segmenting the services we offer better into 3 blocks:




As a company grows, not just in numbers, but also in team, experience and clients, it also defines itself, and at this moment we can define Lifting Group with our Why, What and How:

“We are passionate about setting ourselves challenges and achieving new milestones. This is why we help our clients to define their Corporate strategy of Marketing, Sales and Internationalisation, leading the implementation and nurturing a long-term relationship, growing together with them.”

But while we continue to move ahead, growing and evolving, we were able to mark those 10 years with a dinner and celebration on the 7th of July, and also hold the first Lifting  width=Olympics, forming 5 teams who had to devise a strategy for furnishing greater and better visibility to the Digital Channel of Lifting Group itself.


The ideas which each team wished to propose were presented as 5 deliverables. Each group presented its proposal in front of the other members of Lifting Group. it was a really tight competition, because everyone presented very good ideas, and very creatively. The jury was made up of the Management Committee of Lifting Group and one member of each team, and it assessed  the value added, the exposition, the capacity for application and the originality of the presentation.

To round off the Lifting Olympics, we held a fun quiz in which competitors had to answer multiple-choice questions about their colleagues’ presentations and Lifting Group. They had to score the most points for their team against the clock. The winning team won a cheque for €1000 to be spent on any kind of activity with the whole team.

There will be more olympics, anniversaries and causes for celebration but we are now well into a new Lifting Group Strategic Plan, so we are raring to get going.



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