Home > UX Audit for Grupo Puma

UX Audit for Grupo Puma

Grupo Puma is an important company in the construction sector. It is the largest mortar manufacturer in Spain and has more than 20 factories between Spain and Portugal.

At Lifting Group we believe that it is very important that our clients have a website that covers all of their needs and their clients’ needs, so a UX Usability Audit  has been carried out  with the aim of identifying improvements and strengthening areas that already work.

Throughout this study, we firstly analyse the main sections (Home, Category, Product Sheet and Contact form) in all versions (desktop, mobile and tablet), from which data is collected using a personalised tool that allows us to analyse the user’s behaviour with heat maps, recordings and the funnels that they follow during their sessions.
Said analysis is essential in order to determine which parts of the website require an improvement based on the movements (clicks & scrolls) made by the user, as well as the inverted time and result relation in each of them. Similarly, the sections that are more interesting for users are detected so that the advantages of the interaction are maximised to their full potential.



The session recordings are important as a penultimate step for an effective UX audit, since the user’s current experience is shown in video format in order to give us an idea of what the client actually experiences when they interact with the website. As a result, in the final stage, a series of improvements are proposed based on the conclusions gathered from the thorough analysis carried out previously with the aim of perfecting the service that the company’s website offers to clients.

At Lifting Group we appreciate the reliance in us and we hope that the dedication of our professionals helps to grow the company and guarantee client satisfaction.


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